Sujir chhanamukhi/Semolina sweet

Suji or semolina has a multitude of health benefits due to its low glycemic index. It is ideal for weight-watchers or people with blood-sugar problems. This delicious traditional Bengali recipe tastes rich with eggs and coconut cream and is also a good snack option for your child.

This recipe has basic inputs from Tahiti Ahmed, an employee of San Jose (California, USA) School District.

Ingredients –

• Suji/ Semolima: 1 cup

• Eggs: 4

• Coconut milk(thick)/coconut cream

• Granulated Sugar: 1 cup

• Bay leaf

• Cardamom

• Cinammon

• Oil

Preparation –

In a pan, dry roast the suji.

Mix equal quantity of sugar into the suji

Heat oil and add the bay leaf, cinammon and cardamom

Add the suji mixture and start frying

Break the eggs and add to the mixture. Keep cooking for some time

Now add the coconut milk/cream.

Turn the heat off when the mixture turns into a smooth dough

Grease a baking tray with ghee and spread the mixture on

stick the cashews and raisins into the mixture

Heat the oven to 180F and bake for 20-30 minutes, or until slightly browned.

Cool and cut pieces like cake and serve